
Historical Context: The 30s and 40s



The Researcher

Your job is to gather together important historical facts about your chosen topic so that the writers can begin creating a real believable story. Choose facts that are significant and interesting.  You should provide your writers with at least 30 important facts. Open and then print the Researcher's Fact Sheet. You may find the following links helpful to get you started in your search for information. Use at least four sources. One of these sources can be your Social Studies textbook. List all sources on the back of the Researcher's Fact Sheet.

The Great Depression

 Great Depression TimeLine

White House Reacts to Attack on Pearl Harbor

Battle on a Submarine

World War II Vessel:  The Saidor

World War II Vessel:  USS Rendova

Atomic Bomb Test in the Bikini Islands

The Character-Creator

Your job is to create believable characters that the story writer will place within the setting to create the action. You will decide on at least two major characters and two minor characters. All characters will need authentic names from this time period. The two major characters will need to be well-rounded, while the two minor characters may be flat characters. Read the information on the websites below to help you understand what is needed to create well-rounded and flat characters. Then open and print the Character-Creator Sheet for complete directions.

Top Names of the 1930s

Top Names of the 1940s

Difference between Round and Flat Characters

The Story Writer

Your job is to take all of the information and write the story! Use the facts provided by the Researcher to create the setting. Use the Character Map and Feelings Map provided by the Character-Creator to discover the identity of your characters.

Now think of your plot! Click on the website below for information on the most important elements of a plot. Remember, every plot has an "Oh, No!!" and a "Yay!!" Something must happen that will hook the reader to want to keep reading. This must be resolved at the end of your story. 

Use the "Feelings" sheet that will be given to you by the Character-Creator to plan at least one event that will cause the main characters to change as indicated by the bottom box on the "Feelings" sheet. You may choose to plan more than one event, but there must be at least one thing that happens that leads to the change in the character's thinking, mood, feelings, or ways of relating to others. 

Open and print the Story Writer Sheet for complete directions.

 Creating a plot

The Artist

You will create the original drawings that will illustrate the short-story. It is also your job to create the cover art. Download the Artist's Instruction Sheet from the Resources section of this Webquest. Study what you will need to do. Then watch the videos below before beginning to draw. (Please skip the advertisements at the beginning of the videos.)

How to draw buildings

How to draw a child, teen, and older person

How to draw metallic, chrome letters



  • Feelings Map
    Description: Use this graphic organizer to plan how your two well-rounded characters will CHANGE in your story.



  • Character-Creator's Directions
    Description: Read these directions to find out what you need to do in creating interesting characters for your story.

  • Researcher Fact Sheet
    Description: Researchers use this sheet to compile significant and interesting facts about their topic.

  • Character Map
    Description: This character map will help you determine and describe the characters that will be placed in your story.

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