
Historical Context: The 30s and 40s



Now that you have completed your work for this webquest, you have set the stage for understanding what was happening in the United States during the 1930s and 1940s. As a group, talk about what you have learned about the historical context for this time period. Then decide who will play the following roles as you share your work with the class:

1.) Presenter:  This group member will present the name of your group, introduce each member and state their task, announce the topic that you researched, and give the title of the story. For example, Presenting......the Mighty Sharks! This is Brad Doran, our Artist; Sandra Jones, our Researcher, Cathy Phillips, our Character-Creator, and Carlos Garcia, our Story-Writer. We researched the topic of the Great Depression. And Now....Here's Carlos, reading "One Dark Night!"

2.) Story-Reader: This person will share the story with the class (with great expression!)

3.) Experts: These two individuals will stand up after the story is read and ask if anyone has any questions about the topic, the story, or the process of creating the project.

As each group goes through this process, you will learn more and more about people living in the United States during the 30s and 40s. Remember, while the stories are fictional, the historical context will contain actual facts. Listen closely for details in the plot and setting that are authentic and true-to-life. Be prepared to ask questions about the stories that other groups are sharing.



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