



Gather your team, your log, and your determination and begin your adventure across the regions of the United States.

The following is a list of roles that your team will need to complete this assignment.

Please click on Part 1 Week 1 Assignments 1 and 2 below to get started with this journey.

 Manager- This team member will be responsible to overseeing the daily progress of the assignment. This person will guide the team through each of the steps for completing the assignment and help when necessary challenges arise. They will be responsible for keeping the team log. It is important that this person be organized, a good listener and motivator. This person must be able to complete any of the other roles in case he/she is needed.

Assistant Manager- This team member will be responsible for taking on the leader role if necessary. They will also be responsible to managing the time for completion of each of the components of this assignment. They will make team members aware of deadlines in advance by writing them a reminder.

Reporter- This team member will be responsible for communicating with the team about daily progress for the assignment. They will also be responsible for presenting the PowerPoint presentation to the class. It is important that this person have a loud, clear voice for speaking in front of a crowd.

Writer- This team member will be responsible for taking daily notes for the presentation.  These notes will be used in creating the PowerPoint presentation and will be written in the team log. This member will also be responsible for writing the persuasive letter with the help of his/her team members.

Technology Assistant- This team member will be responsible for setting up the PowerPoint presentation with the input of his/her team members. This team member must be skilled in using PowerPoint and computer skills.  You may use the PowerPoint template or create one of your own presentations.


 Guidelines for Teamwork

 Guidelines: Use these guidelines to help your team work effectively

·         Everyone must have equal participation in preparing the presentation

·         Let the manager have control with group meetings

·         Allow everyone to contribute to  group discussion, assignments, and decisions

·         Ensure that no one will insult, demean, or evaluate another participant or his/her response

·         Accept all ideas presented and choices made by the group.

·         If a consensus is not made, accept the manager’s decision

·         Support each team member in a positive way

You all are going to produce great presentation and work well together if you follow these guidelines!

 Week 2: Your team is ready for the research part of this project!

Click onPart 2 Weeks 2-4 Assignments 3-5- This is the research part of the project

Click on Part 3 Weeks 5-6- This part is building the presentation

Click on Part 4 Week 7- This part is finalizing the presentation and writing the persuasive letter

Click on Part 5 Week 8- This part will be the group presentation of the powerpoint and letter. All individual letters should be finalized.


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