
Johnny Tremain: Fact of Fiction



  1. As a group decide which role each member would like to perform. There may be two members for each role.
  2.   For each role carefully follow the steps and beware of bias (n. #2 definition) and convincing characters.


1. Create a list of places from the novel.

2. Determine if these locations existed during the American Revolution.  To aid in your research endeavors, follow the links below to gather your information.  Remember to look for the following information:

  • historical information/importance 
  • pictures/maps
  •  other interesting fact

3. Use the GPS locator resources (below) to collect information and this  form (save file to your computer so you can edit) to take notes.

4. After collecting your information, you will create a travel brochure.  You may use a computer software program to create your brochure such as Microsoft Office Publisher, or you may create the brochure using traditional materials.  The brochure should include:

  • at least 5 locations of importance to the American Revolution mentioned in the novel
  • maps and or pictures of the location
  • a brief description of the location including the information that you were asked to research
  • include a quote from the novel containing the location (be sure to include the chapter number, section number, and page number)
  • write a brief paragraph detailing places that you could not prove to exist


  1. Make a list of the characters from the novel.
  2. Determine if these people lived during the American Revolution.  First create a data base in Excel to track your information. Your rows should include the names while your columns should track.             
  •          birth/death dates
  •          home town
  •          education/career
  •          interesting bio facts
  •          involvement in the revolution


3. Using the database, create a magazine that highlights the people of the American Revolution.  Your magazine may be created using a computer software program such as Microsoft Office Publisher (newsletter), or you may use traditional materials.  Your magazine should include:

  • a cover similar to a modern magazine which includes:  pictures, headlines, and  teasers
  •  a table of contents
  • bios for at least 5 people mentioned in the novel, whom you found really existed
  • a quote from the work mentioning the person (be sure to include the chapter number, section number, and page number)
  • a brief paragraph detailing 5 people you could not prove ever lived


1.      Create a timeline (xtimeline web-based program) of events from the novel

2.   Determine if these events actually occurred by researching the resource links (see below)

3. You are going to create a “living timeline” of events.  You may choose to be a reporter and create a news show, re-enact the events, or another creative interpretation of “living timeline”. 

Your report must include: 

  • at least five true events that are mentioned in the novel (be sure to note where in the novel i.e. page number)
  •   discuss the importance of the event to the American Revolution
  • discuss the events that you discovered to be fiction
  • report should be creative and have props and costumes
  • presentation should be well rehearsed and scripted (storyboard)



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