
Atomic Bomb Debate


United States History and Geography:
Continuity and Change in the Twentieth Century

11.7 Students analyze America’s participation in World War II.

7. Discuss the decision to drop atomic bombs and the consequences of the decision
(Hiroshima and Nagasaki).

It is June 1945, you are a high ranking military officer in the Pacific Command. The war has dragged on for four years with 1.25 million casualties (deaths and severe injuries) from US soldiers. Japans navy and air-force have been decimated and their trade has been greatly reduce as they stand on the brink of defeat. However, recent battles in Okinawa and Iwo Jima have shown the Japanese soldiers are willing to fight to the death.  A land invasion of the main land islands of Japan has been planned with US estimated casualties as high as 1 million and Japanese estimated of 20 million deaths from their civilian militia. The American public has become weary with war and want an end of the conflict. You have been approached by scientists from the Manhattan Project to use a new type of bomb that could theoretically destroy an entire city. However, it is not guaranteed to work. And if it does, there will be an untold amount of civilian deaths.  There is also no guarantee that Japan will surrender even if the bombs are used. You must decide if it is morally and practical to use the atomic bombs on the cities of Japan. Divide into two groups and research the events before the bombs were dropped. We will not be looking at the after effects of the bombs. 

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