
The Slave System



Have you ever pondered what life was like for your great great grandparents during the mid 1800's, over 150 years ago?   Could you imagine  living in a time where  everything you did was determined by the color of your skin?  

Take a momemt to think about all of the freedoms and comforts you enjoy today, such as your gaming systems, internet, where you live, places you go, who your friends are, and even attending school. If you were an African American during this era, you had very litte control over what you wanted to do and when you wanted to do 'it'.   Even the ability to read this very Web Quest is a luxury.   Yes, all of these things may seem like commonalities amongst you and your peers, but in an era where African Americans were enslaved, they had no rights or freedom to live how they wanted.  All in which they did was determined by another human.

To understand why we live the way we do today, you must know what life was like throughout history.  Learning about the past will provide you with the knowledge of where we have been, how we got there, and where we are going.  

Today you will embark on a joureny that will take you back in time to discover what life was like for an African American during the Civil War.   


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