
The Slave System




# Needs Improvement Fair Good Excellent Score
Mechanics and Venn diagram Frequent errors in grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation Chart imcomplete with litte or no comparisons. Some errors in grammar, spelling capitalization, and punctuation. Two or less compairsons listed in chart. Few errors of grammar. Mostly correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Three or more comparisons listed in chart. Proper grammar. Correct spelling, punctuation, and capitalization Four or more comparisons listed in chart. 25
Completing of sentences and assigned task. Activities were partially complete. Important information was missing. Activities completed but important information was missing. Activities completed with the majority of information listed. Activities complete with all appropriate and needed information. 25
Interpreting charts and maps Inaccurate infomration listed or partially corrent Three or less errors were noted and most information was correct Two or less errors were noted and the majority of infomration is accurate One or less errors noted and all information is correct and accurate. 25
Diary entries No creativity evident and references to the noted web site. Little creativity within entries and minor reference to web site. Exhibits creativity and references from web site Entries rather creative and entails references from web site. 25

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