
Our Kids Are High Order Thinkers



     Today teachers are facing many challenges, when rethinking mind sets of diverse students� critical thinking skills. Higher level thinking skills are those that allow students to excel and achieve intellectual freedom. Thinking is the cognitive process used to make sense of the world. The purpose of this paper is to introduce teachers to interesting aspects of their pedagogical processes when teaching children to think beyond their normal comfort level.

     In my make believe class room, students� came play a large role when they use dialogues, which can help them explain and link specific problems to general outcomes.  Students and their partners can share feelings about each other�s diverse experiences. In the story, �Bread Winner,� (author), students can become acquainted with the writer. They can learn to develop analytical skills when they think about evaluating victims of a war whose mental state were battered by a sudden attack on their lives.  They can use their high order thinking skills to learn about characteristics of human behavior.  This will take them beyond the general vernaculars of running and playing to being aware of their personal freedoms as children who live their lives in the United States.

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