
Our Kids Are High Order Thinkers



Critical Thinking Rubric
GEO #7 - Apply critical thinking skills to solve problems, make informed decisions, and interpret events.

Rubric Component 

Identifies and summarizes the problem/question at issue.Accurately identifies the
problem/question and provides a well-developed
Accurately identifies the
problem/question and provides a brief summary.
Identifies the problem/
question and provides a poor summary or identifies an inappropriate problem/question.
Does not identify or
summarize the
problem/question accurately if at all.
Identifies and assesses the quality of supporting data/evidence Provides a well-developed
examination of the evidence and
questions its accuracy, relevance, and completeness. Clearly distinguishes between fact and opinion.
Examines evidence and
questions the quality.
Distinguishes between
and opinion.

Merely repeats information
provided. Does not justify position or distinguish between fact and opinion.

Does not identify or
assess the quality of supporting evidence.
Identifies and considers the influence of the context* on the  issue

Accurately identifies and
 provides a well-developed explanation of contextual issues with a clear sense of scope.

Accurately identifies
and provides an explanation of potential contextual issues.
Does not explain
contextual issues;
provides inaccurate information; or merely provides a list.

Does not identify or
consider any contextual issues.

Demonstrates higher level
thinking by interpreting the
author�s meaning or the potential bias

Accurately identifies the author�s meaning and/or potential bias and provides a well-developed

Accurately identifies meaning and/or bias and provides a brief explanation.

Does not explain, provides inaccurate information, or merely lists potential bias or inferred meanings.

Identifies and evaluates
conclusions, implications, and


Accurately identifies conclusions, implications, and consequences with a well-developed explanation. Provides an objective reflection of own assertions.Accurately identifies conclusions, implications, and consequences with a brief evaluative summary.Does not explain, provides inaccurate information, or merely provides a list of ideas; or only discusses one area.Does not identify or evaluate any conclusions, implications or consequences.
      * Context may include cultural/social, scientific, educational, economic, technological, ethical, political, and personal experience issues.


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