
Picky Penelope and the Plate



You will be graded in four areas - how well you listened to and followed directions, the extent to which you completed the individual research and activity portion, your level of participation within the group and in completing the group activity and your understanding of the general concepts associated with this webquest.   


# Beginning Developing Very Good Exemplary Score
Listening/ Following Directions Student did not listen to and follow directions. Student did not appropriately use technology. Student listened to and followed directions some of the time. Student attempted to use technology appropriately some of the time. Student listened to and followed directions most of the time. Student usually utilized technology in an appropriate manner. Student listened to and followed directions all of the time. Student used technology in an appropriate manner throughout the assignment. 25%
Completion of Individual Research/Activity Student did not complete the individual research and activity. Student did not attempt to use digital tools to perform research and complete the individual activity. Student completed some of the individual research and activity. At times, student used digital tools to perform research and complete the individual activity. Student completed most of the individual research and activity. Student used digitial tools to perform research and complete the individual activity most of the time. Student completed the individual research and activity portion. Throughout the entire assignment, student correctly utilized digital tools to perform research and complete the individual activity. 25%
Group Participation and Completion of Group Activities Student did not participate in the group activity. Student showed no interest in assisting with the completion of the worksheets or final menu. Student participated minimally with the group and offered little assistance in the completion of the worksheets and final menu. Student was involved in most group activities and offered some assistance in the completion of the worksheets and final menu. Student was very involved in the group activity and greatly contributed to the completion of the worksheets and final menu. 25%
Understanding of General Concepts Student did not gain an understanding of the food pyramid. Student did not attempt to learn how digital tools can be used to perform research and gain knowledge. Student gained some knowledge of the food pyramid. Student put forth a small amount of effort in learning how to use digital tools to perform research and gain knowledge. Student gained much knowledge of the food pyramid and the importance of using digital tools to perform research and gain knowledge. Student demonstrated a thorough understanding of the food pyramid and the importance of using digital tools to perform research and gain knowledge. 25%

Total Score: 100%

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