


Below is the rubric that your final products will be grade by.


# 1. Emerging 2. Developing 3-4. Proficient 5. Advanced Score
Knowledge and Thinking • Argument is unclear or underdeveloped • Makes unclear or irrelevant claims • One claim dominates the argument and alternative or counterclaims are absent • Refers to evidence from few sources; some sources may not be relevant • Limited use of data and/or examples • Makes note of a general difference in perspectives on a topic without specific details • Makes a somewhat clear, but general argument • Makes relevant claims • Briefly alludes to questions or counterclaims • Refers to limited evidence (textual, experimental, or multimedia) relevant to argument • Data and/or examples are used to illustrate one point of view • Briefly notes and dismisses inconsistent information or a difference among authors on the same topic • Makes a clear and well developed argument • Makes relevant claims that support the argument • Acknowledges questions or counterclaims • Refers to sufficient and detailed evidence (textual, experimental, or multi-media) relevant to argument • Data and/or examples are used to illustrate varying points of view • Discusses inconsistent information and differences among authors on the same topic • Makes a clear, well developed, precise, and nuanced argument • Makes relevant and significant claims that support the argument • Acknowledges and responds to questions or counterclaims to sharpen the argument • Refers to extensive and comprehensive evidence (textual, experimental, or multimedia) relevant to argument • Data and/or examples are used to illustrate different points of view and justify the claim • Weighs and evaluates inconsistent information and differences among authors on the same topic Student Score
Written communication-Organization Ideas and evidence are disorganized, underdeveloped, or making relationships unclear. Unclear or no evidence throughout the text. When appropriate idea is evident but not present throughout text. Transitions connect ideas with minor lapses. Organized but not sufficiently developed or logically sequenced. Idea is presented clearly and consistently throughout text. Ideas and evidence are developed and logically sequenced to show clear relationships Transitions connect ideas. Everything in proficient and controlling idea drives the organization of the texts. Ideas and evidence are fully developed and logically sequenced to present a coherent whole. Student Score
Oral Communication Digital media, or visual displays are confusing, extraneous or distracting. Digital media or visual displays are informative and relevant. Digital media or visual displays are appealing, informative, and support audience engagement and understanding. Digital or visual displays are polished, informative, and support audience engagement and understanding. Studnt Score
Collaboration Cannot describe what constitutes success int he context of the teams task. Impedes progress by failing to complete individual tasks on time. • Can generally describe what constitutes success in the context of the team’s task • Completes individual tasks on time and with sufficient quality so, but needs some prodding and reminding • Can clearly and specifically describe what constitutes success in the context of the team’s task • Completes individual tasks on time and with sufficient quality so as not to impede the team progress toward success In addition, • Works to make sure everyone knows what needs to be done Student Score

Total Score: out of 20

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