
Extra, Extra, Read All About It: McCarthy Begins Witch-hunt!



# Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations Score
Days One and Three Questions are not answered completely. You do not appear to have but effort into learning the material. Some questions may not have been answered at all, or questions may not be answered in complete sentences. All questions are answered, but they may not be correct. It is clear that you have a basic understanding. If a question has multiple parts, some parts may not be answered. You answer all questions correctly. If a question has multiple parts you have made sure to answer all parts of the question. Answers are in complete sentences and show that you have a good understanding of the material. All questions are answered completely and show evidence of higher level thinking. Answers are in complete sentences with no mistakes in grammar or syntax. 15 per day (30 total)
Day Two All answers on the quiz were incorrect. It does not appear as though you watched the videos. You have not explained your answers at all. Missed most of the answers on the quiz. You have attempted to show explain your answers you did not explain them clearly. Most of the answers on the quiz are correct. You have done a good job of explaining your answers. You went back and checked the answers you got wrong and explained how you got them wrong. All questions were answered correctly. You have done an excellent job explaining your answers. 15
Day Four You have not created a list of similarities, you have simply written down facts about each. You have not written in complete sentences and show no evidence of higher level thinking. While you have started pointing out similarities you have missed some key points. You may have written in complete sentences for some of the list but not all of the list. Your list is written clearly and hits all major points. You have used complete sentences that are free of errors in spelling or grammar. You have gone beyond just making a list of similarities and have pointed out differences as well. Perhaps you went so far as to make a Venn Diagram. 25
Day Five You have not written a newspaper article and have instead just made a list of facts. You do not show any evidence of higher level thinking. You have written an article but it is not a whole page. You did not follow the format for a newspaper article, you may be missing one of the "5 W's". There are frequent spelling and grammar errors that interrupt the flow of the article. You have written a whole page and it is clearly written. You make a strong case of how the McCarthy Hearings are like the Salem Witch Trials. You have written the article as though you were from the time period rather than writing it like a history paper. There are infrequent spelling or grammar mistakes. You have written more than a page but still keep all points relevant. You have included a counter-argument and shown how the McCarthy Hearings where different, but over all keep the tone of a journalist explaining how the hearings are a witch hunt. You have made clear use of material learned in previous activities. There are no grammar or spelling mistakes. 30

Total Score: 100

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