
Great Barrier Reef



This photograph dramatically shows the effect of coral bleaching. The coral has lost its zooxanthellae which powers photosynthesis leaving a white skeleton. The coral polyps will only survive for another month.  


The word length can be varied to differentiate between differing years and abilities.


Research: The student makes references to the GBR but does not make a strong links to the conservationists Vs Industrialists controversy.

Knowledge: The student demonstrates little awareness of the causes of environmental destruction on the GBR.

Language: The essay is poorly structured with many grammatical errors.


Research: The student uses information from many sources. The text is connected to the controversy. The student can identify at least two threats to the GBR.

Knowledge: The student has combined the scientific facts and their imagination to form an opinion regarding the controversy. 

Language: The student uses correct grammar and sentence structure to engage the reader.


Research: The student demonstrates insight into the current political debate to advocate the environmental conservation of the Great Barrier Reef OR                        makes a good case to approve industrialisation projects for economic reasons. The student is free to form their own opinion. The student can identify at least three threats to the GBR.

Knowledge: The student effectively organises their facts and imagination to create a new approach in their essay.

Language: The language is flowing and engages the reader. There are few or no technical errors. 

Adapted from Marzano (2006)



Slogan: Cliche

Promotion:  The poster is not linked to the GBR. The student sits on the fence and cannot form an opinion either to support the conservationists or the industrialists.

Purpose: Unclear

Artistic: The image is not appropriate to the GBR.

Creative: Not Original


Slogan: Original

Promotion: The GBR is desirable. The student has formed a clear opinion.

Purpose: The message of the advertisement is simple and clear.

Artistic: The GBR and the environmental controversy are linked and desirable.

Creative: Original but uses conventional language. 


Slogan: Creative and catchy

Promotion: I want to travel to the GBR or increase my dedication to save the environment. The student has written a persuasive case for supporting either side.

Purpose: The message is linked to qualities of the GBR.

Artistic: The GBR is portrayed as colourful and exciting.

Creative: Incorporates the scientific language of GBR research.

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