
Pathogen WANTED Poster










Unable to determine name of pathogen

Only common or scientific name given or grossly misspelled.

Common and scientific name given/slight spelling error.

Common and scientific name given and spelled correctly.


Mug Shot

No picture or less 25 % complete.

Pathogen pictured is inaccurate or messy.

Accurate picture of pathogen, but may not be neat.

Neat, accurate picture of pathogen.



Missing or unable to determine organism affected.

Attempts to identify victims but does not include examples.

Identifies victims, but examples are unclear.

Clear identity and examples of victims.



Description of damage is confusing or not attempted.

Attempts to describe symptoms or damage to the body, but unclear.

Describes major symptoms and damage, but could be more descriptive.

Clearly and thoroughly describes major symptoms and damage to body.


Hide Out

Description is confusing or not attempted.

Attempts to describe where pathogen can be found, but is unclear.

Describes where bacteria can be found but could add more detail.

Clearly describes where pathogen can be found/contacted.


Defense and Weapons

Description of prevention and treatment is confusing or not attempted.

Attempts to describe prevention and treatment, but is unclear.

Describes prevention and treatment, but could add more detail.

Clearly describes prevention and treatment.


Other details

Extra information is confusing or not attempted.

Attempts to include extra information, but is unclear.

Describes extra information, but could add more detail.

Clearly describes extra information.



Only used one resource/Bibliography is not present.

Listed general sources but does not include URL.

Correctly lists sources, but only used 2.

Bibliography is clear and accurate.



Poor pride and care; poorly organized, messy, unappealing

Lacks pride and care; poorly organized

Legible, neat, average care and effort evident in product.

Completely legible; neat; well-organized; pride and effort is evident in product.



Significant errors in information are evident.

Some information is accurate, but some is not.

Information is mostly accurate, reliable, and complete.

Information is accurate reliable and complete.


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