
Mexico Public Schools Internship - Summer 2012



This internship has given me a lot of experiences that I think will positively benefit me in the future.  Interviewing and grant writing were very educational growth opportunities for me to do something that I have never done before.  I was very happy to provide input into the Athletic Handbook since that is something that will very directly impact me and my athletes this year.

Having experienced some of the more tedious jobs of an Athletic Director, such as graduation setup and clean up and equipment inventory gave me a better idea of some of the Athletic Director tasks that most people do not see.  There are definitely some less glamorous aspects of this job.

I have learned that the hours of an Athletic Director are long and not always set in stone. We had some sports camps start first thing in the morning and others that went late into the evenings. During the school year, weekends and evenings are spent at games and meets.  There is not a lot of downtime in this position.  The Athletic Director is expected to always be available for students, coaches and administrators to help out in any circumstance.

I have found it very challenging to make sure that I have at least 400 hours scheduled this summer. I did not originally realize how big of a feat this would be to accomplish.

Overall this internship has been a positive experience.  I have gained valuable insight into the role of an athletic director and feel that I can make a well-informed decision about whether that is a good next step for me at this time in my life.  Big thanks to Jeff Anderson and Dr.Comfort for giving me this opportunity to explore this potential career path.

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