
Human Body Systems



You will be graded on the following:

  • Topic overview
  • Half page summary of how your system relates to other systems (this does not need to be typed)
  • Works cited page
  • Presentation
  • Group participation


# Not Acceptable 0-1 points Developing 2 points Very Good 3 points Excellant points 4 points Score
Cooperation I did not work well with my group while researching our body system. I did not contribute to my group or help them with the research and construction of the project. I mostly worked well with my group while researching our body system. I might not have contributed to my group or helped with the research and construction of the project. I contributed to my group and helped with the research & construction of the project. I worked well with my group while researching our body system. 25%
Work Cited and Summary My work was not cited and summary was not turned in. 0 points. or My work contain no references and my summary was only 1- 2 sentences. Some of my work was cited but not properly or fully cited. Used only one source for my research. My summary lacked important connections between group members. Was only 2-3 sentences long. My work was mostly cited properly. Used 2 different sources in my research. Summary was good and most relevant to my group member's system. My work was fully cited in the proper format. Used 3 different sources in my research. My summary contained accurate inforamtion from my groups members system. 25%
Content of your portion of the presentation Presentation did not include accurate details from their system only addressed 1-2 questions from the task page. 0- 1 min in length Presentation included some accurate information but only addressed half of the questions on the task page. Presentation was 1-2 minutes long. Presentation included accurate information. Most of the questions from task page was addressed. Presentation 1.5-3 min. Presentation included accurate information. Student answered all questions on the task page. Presentation was 2-3 min. 30%
Visual Representation (group grade) Project was put together sloppy and did not present the human body clearly Project was somewhat put together. Parts may have been sloppy. No creativity was shown Project represented part or all of the human body with accuracy. Project lacked creativity. Project represented part or all of the human body with accuracy. Project was creative and thoughtful 20%

Total Score: 100%

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