
Are Vaccinations Safe?




# Beginning 1 Developing 2 Very Good 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Tasks: Content: Research Information Online Interviews Journalistic Article /Essay PowerPoint Self Assessment Information included doesn't support opinion. Tasks are incomplete and/or little effort went into the development of the task. There is a great deal of information that is not clearly connected to the opinion being presented. At least two areas of the task were not addressed The plan followed by the team demonstrated a moderate level of thought. Sufficient information that relates to opinion; many good points made but confusing. At least one area of the task was not addressed. The plan followed by the team demonstrated a great deal of thought. An abundance of material clearly related to thesis; points are clearly made and all evidence support opinions; varied use of materials. All areas of the taskwere addressed and handled with a high degree of sophistication.The plan followed by the team demonstrateda great deal of thought. 40
Teamwork: Participation & collaboration The final product is not the result of a collaborative effort. The group showed no evidence of collaboration. The team had problems working together. Little collaboration occurred. The team worked well together, but could have utilized each other's skills to a better degree. It is evident that a mutual effort and cohesive unit created the final products. Students were on task engaged full in the learning process. 15
Neatness & Creativity: Grammar, Format, and Spelling + Originality The final products had major grammar, spelling and /or formatting errors. There were no original ideas expressed this project The final products had 3-5 grammar, spelling, and /or formatting errors. The ideas expressed by the body of work demonstrate a low degree of originality The final products had 1 error related to either grammar, spelling, and/or formatting errors. The ideas expressed by the body of work are mostly original. The group may have improved upon a previous idea The final products were free of grammar, spelling, and /or formatting errors. The ideas expressed by the body of work demonstrate a high degree of originality. 20
Presentation of Project: Oral Presentation Speaking Skills Volume too soft or too loud; no eye contact; rate too slow/fast; speaker seemed uninterested & monotone Some mumbling;little eye contact; uneven rate; little or no expression Clear articulation but not as polished Poised, clear articulation; proper volume; steady rate; good posture and eye contact;enthusiasm; confidence 25

Total Score: %100

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