
The Human Digestive System



Congratulations! You have completed the assigned tasks and have received your boarding pass for the launch.  By now you should be familiar with the structures that make up the digestive system and their functions; you should also be able to draw and label the digestive system with your eyes closed; recite the various adaptations of the body for the digestion of food like a nursery rhyme and know the processes involved in ingestion, digestion, absorption and egestion like the back of your hand!

Bear in mind though, that this tour is limited to the digestive system, there are many other systems to explore.  Your journey has just begun!

Here are a few things to consider as you navigate your way through the digestive system: 

1.  List the ways in which the body is adapted for the digestion, absorption, assimilation and egestion of food.

2.   List the various enzymes involved as you go along the digestive tract, noting their function and location. 

3.  Identify the structures that make up the digestive system and their various functions as you navigate your way through. 

4.  The importance of digestion to our survival. 

As you prepare for the next launch scheduled for next class into the Human Circulatory System, here are few links to 'brush up' on: 



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