
Web Site Evaluation



Welcome: Web Site Evaluation
Description: Teaching Website Evaluation is a very important topic to me as a librarian because I am an avid user of the World Wide Web. Due to the endless information the Internet offers, choosing one website over another becomes a very difficult task for me. I have never given too much thought to the results I get once I type a search topic. In the classroom, I have often spent too much time on a main search clicking on numerous results only to end with up with countless divergent results. Due to the inefficiency of this approach, I usually end up hastily choosing a limited array of websites for the students to survey. Conscious of the fact that I could vastly improve my process, I catapulted myself into the search for a more efficient method.
Grade Level: 3-5
Curriculum: Technology
Keywords: Web Site Evaluation
Author(s): Marvin Gonzalez

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