
An experience through Monotheistic Religions

Teacher Page


Focus:     This exercise is ideal for all students who want to enhance their knowledge
                   about different religions.

Objectives:     Understand the main doctrines and ethics of a particular religion. 
                            Learn about the major events which constituted that particular religion.
                            Learn about the distribution of fidelities from that religion around the world.                 
                            Gain Teamwork skills.

Resources:      Capability to incorporate Religious Knowledge with the modern computing tools.

Time Required:      1 double practical session and 1 session for presentation day.
                                      Although students will be working in groups, it is advisable to allocate 
                                      a computer for each student as tasks 1 to 3 need to be done separately
                                      and only task 4 should be done collaboratively.

Credits:    The resources and web links included on this website are external websites and 
                     I would like to thank them for creating such useful WebPages.

David Aquilina and Victor Said
PGCE Religious Education: University of Malta 2010



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