
Task 9: Teaching Reading and Writing

Teacher Page

Teaching as Leadership Standards:
• TAL 3- Plan purposefully:3.3 Create rigorous, outcome-driven lesson plans so that learners who complete class activities successfully will have mastered the outcomes and made progress toward the big goals.


2. The Seven Roles of the Educator Standards:
• Role 4- Scholar, researcher and lifelong learner:The teacher will achieve ongoing personal, academic, occupational and professional growth through pursuing reflective study and research in their learning area, in broader professional and educational matters, and in other related fields.


• Role 7- Learning area/ subject/discipline/ phase specialist:The teacher will be well grounded in the knowledge, skills, values, principles, methods, and procedures relevant to the discipline, subject, learning area, phase of study, or professional or occupational practice. The teacher will know about different approaches to teaching and learning (and, where appropriate, research and management), and how these may be used in ways which are appropriate to the learners and the context. The teacher will have a well-developed understanding of the knowledge appropriate to the specialism.

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