
Task 9: Teaching Reading and Writing



1. Decide who you would like to partner with or if you would like to work alone.
2. Decide what grade you are designing your lesson/s for.
3. Choose an appropriate theme to integrate your lessons. NOTE WELL: You must use the same theme that you used in Task 6.  You may consult other learning area (GET) or subject (FET) teachers at your school to possibly integrate across the disciplines. For example, the SS/Geography/History teacher may be covering a topic on “The Environment” or “The Soweto Uprising”. You could also choose an age appropriate or interest appropriate topic that you know will engage your learners.
4. Conduct research on the chosen topic. Look for materials you may be able to use in your lesson. Remember that materials for EFAL learners are materials that may not be especially prepared to teach English. These are referred to as authentic materials, for example, recipes. Other materials may also be used.
5. You will develop your lesson plan/s on reading and writing. Tip: Look at where you are with the NCS (curriculum) Work Schedule and try and integrate it into this task. Don’t stress if you cannot!
6. Use the web resources provided in in the attachment section below as well as the links to assist you to effectively complete the WebQuest.
7. Identify how you will gather evidence (assess) of what your learners know and can do (Informal and Informal Assessment). When selecting the activities you choose to use in your lesson, always keep the assessment tasks in mind. 
8. Remember to use the Lesson Plan Template attached and think about exciting and interesting activities for the opening, the introduction to new material, the guided practice, the independent practice, the expanded opportunities, the conclusion and homework.
9. A formal language/grammar component must be included in each of the of the lessons.
10. N.B. Remember that one technology-based resource must be used. 
11. Refer to materials as Resource 1, 2 etc. remember to attach them at the end of the lesson plan.  
12. Refer to the evaluation rubric for further guidance on what is expected of you to achieve an ‘exemplary’ rating.
13. Remember to post a reflective entry on your Blog at the end of the WebQuest.  


I have tried unsuccessfully to add links to this section. Therefore, let's get creative. I am adding the links to a Word Document in the Resource Section below. Open the link by placing the cursor on the link and then pressing the 'ctrl' button while simultaneously left clicking.


  • File
    Description: Some Useful Links

  • File
    Description: Strategies to teach reading comprehension + +

  • File
    Description: Teaching Reading Comprehension

  • File
    Description: Rubric Sites

  • File
    Description: Approaches to Teaching Writing

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