
Physical Education/history of netball



The web quest is a format which is uses to include information based on the topic you going to teach and the web quest include different programm for words processing document that include  link etc.The web quest can be uses in the classroom in an positive way because it can break down the information and the details is much clearer.


The web quest addresses is important to help students performance.The curriculum is based on the grade.The grade is nine,which is secondary schooling.Nonetheless,rather than just teach one way .Implement different methods to teach the lesson .The web quest address is .http://zunal.com/xdash_mywebquests.php


Just want to say thanks for creator of the programm and thanks to the student who participate in the web sites.Also,I conduct a research to further my understanding on the web quest.I would like to continue uses web quest etc,because it open your knowledge and improve your ability and help individual reach their full potential.I would like to employ individual  to uses the web quest because student wiil gives vital information which can help you.


Yes,just want to say you will find some student in your class that are not competent interns of technology.It might sound like it is a joke but it is reality. So as a teacher you have to know how to go about this matter.Also,never have favoritism,but show neutrality to all the student.THANK YOU 

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