
A Trip to the Winter Olympics

Teacher Page



This webquest is designed to be used at the end of a unit on units of measure and to reinforce the use of math in real-world situations.



This is designed for a 6th grade math class based on Texas standards, but could be used by other classes and higher grade levels.



To improve student understanding of the difference between customary and metric measurements.

To improve student understanding of math use in real-world situations.

To encourage students to explore international current events.



Students will be able to convert American dollars to Canadian dollars using a formula or web-based program.

Students will be able to apply Internet research skills to solve real-world problems.

Students will be able to use Microsoft Excel to collect, display and compute data.

Students will be able to use basic word processing to create a travel itinerary.



Texas Curriculum Alignment (TEKS Standards):


111.22 Mathematics, Grade 6

111.22(b),(8)(B)(C)(D), (10)(D), (11)(A), (12)(A), (13)(B)


126.12 Technology Applications (Computer Literacy), Grades 6-8

126.12(c),(1)(E), (4)(A), (6)(A)(B)(C), (7)(A)(B)



Prerequisite knowledge: Excel spreadsheet program and word processing software

Technology required:  Enough computers with Internet access for students to work in pairs on Webquest, individual computers to complete spreadsheet and word processing or adequate time for two students to work individually

Time required: At least 4 class periods, depending up length of period and student cooperation and technology skills



Thank you to Zunal.com for providing this web site


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