
Make a Splash in Backyard Design!

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Focus: This WebQuest focuses on area and perimeter of rectangles, volume of prisms (rectangular and triangular), and unit conversions. Students will practice problem solving skills to apply these concepts to a real-world problem.


Time and Resources Required: This unit should take 4-5 class periods. Students should be assigned groups prior to the first class period. Each group must have access to a computer with PowerPoint, and a printer. A projector will be required for the PowerPoint presentations. They may need graph paper and/or a poster board for the blueprint. Colored pencils, markers, and rulers are also necessary for groups who choose to make a poster rather then incorporate their blueprint into the PowerPoint.


Show-Me Standards addressed:

Math Knowledge:

1. addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; other number sense, including numeration and estimation; and the application of these operations and concepts in the workplace and other situations

2. geometric and spatial sense involving measurement (including length, area, volume), trigonometry, and similarity and transformations of shapes

4. patterns and relationships within and among functions and algebraic, geometric and trigonometric concepts

5. mathematical systems (including real numbers, whole numbers, integers, fractions), geometry, and number theory (including primes, factors, multiples)


Performance Goals: 1, 2, & 3

Students in Missouri public schools will acquire the knowledge and skills to gather, analyze and apply information and ideas.

1. Students will demonstrate within and integrate across all content areas the ability to

    1. develop questions and ideas to initiate and refine research

    2. conduct research to answer questions and evaluate information and ideas

    4. use technological tools and other resources to locate, select and organize information

    8. organize data, information and ideas into useful forms (including charts, graphs, outlines) for analysis or presentation
    10. apply acquired information, ideas and skills to different contexts as students, workers, citizens and consumers


2. Students will demonstrate within and integrate across all content areas the ability to

    1. plan and make written, oral and visual presentations for a variety of purposes and audiences

    2. review and revise communications to improve accuracy and clarity

    3. exchange information, questions and ideas while recognizing the perspectives of others

    6. apply communication techniques to the job search and to the workplace

    7. use technological tools to exchange information and ideas

3. Students will demonstrate within and integrate across all content areas the ability to

      1. identify problems and define their scope and elements

      2. develop and apply strategies based on ways others have prevented or solved problems

      3. develop and apply strategies based on one’s own experience in preventing or solving problems

      4. evaluate the processes used in recognizing and solving problems

      5. reason inductively from a set of specific facts and deductively from general premises

      8. assess costs, benefits and other consequences of proposed solutions


Technology Standards addressed (see Student Standards):

  1. Creativity and Innovation
  2. Communication and collaboration
  3. Research and Information Fluency
  4. Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making
  5. Technology Operations and Concepts

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