
Make a Splash in Backyard Design!




# 90 - 100% 80 - 89% 70 - 79% 69% or below Score
Accuracy 90% or more of computations are accurate. All work is shown. 80 - 89% or computations are accurate. Most work is shown. 70 - 79% of computations are accurate. Most work is shown. 69% or less of computations are accurate. Work is not shown. /100
Completion Every item on the process sheet is completed and all work is shown. Team is missing 1 item from the process sheet. Team is missing 2 items from the process sheet. Team is missing 3 or more items from the process sheet. /100
Blueprint Blueprint is neat, detailed, and easy to understand. It shows the pool, fence, and home. Blueprint is fairly easy to understand. It is missing one element. Blueprint is unclear and is missing one element. Blueprint is difficult to understand and is missing two or more elements. /100
Presentation and Teamwork All group members contributed. Presentation included all required elements. 2-3 group members contributed. Presentation included all except one required element. 1-2 group members contributed. Presentation was missing 2 required elements. Only one group member contributed to presentation. More than 2 required elements were missing. /100

Total Score: /400

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