
From Factory to Fork

Teacher Page

Teachers, I enjoyed making this presentation.My goal was to educate the students on how the "food gets to the fridge". They enjoyed having guest speakers and some students, in their presentations, brought their own family members that were a part of the industry. Be sure to be creative as possible to encourage them to investigate the industry on their own,. Challenge them to find more information out. Often times, I give extra credit to students that find out more information than I presented during the week. If you are unable to get that many guest speaker into the classroom, perhaps you can video them and present it to the class. This is good way to hep  them when it comes to their projects. The kids came dressed up and really got into the lesson. they especially liked the trucker and the grocery manger that they saw the next week. They all got to make a small cake and take it home to their families, from the bakery.

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