
From Factory to Fork



Good morning class! Over the next 5 days, we will be discussing the  process of food distribution from the farm to the fridge. We will be covering this lesson through the 5 components or strands of Social Studies and their standards: American History, World History, Civics/Government, Economics and Geography. We will be having guest speakers, discussions, videos and groups work. the lesson will interesting and could possibly get you to start thinking bout your community and the position you may hold in the future. We will also be attending a field trip to a local farm and grocery store on next Tuesday. While we are learning and exploring this industry I would like for you to consider how you could make it become better. You will have a project due that you may choose to do individually or in a group.

Standards for Social Studies: listed on each day

Day 1-American History: PO1

Today we are going to watch a video of an American dairy farmer in Florida. I want you to really think about what they do everyday to make sure that the local store has fresh milk for the customers to buy. Who likes their milk? I do also, but I do not think I would like it if I had to get it from another country that it took a long time to get here.
Journal entry: If you could create a new drink or food, what would it be? How would you create it?

Guest Speaker: Local Dairy Farmer

Day 2- World History: PO4
Today we will be discussing imports and exports and how our country has been trading with other countries for over a century now! Each country has it's own way to make things. but for many countries, they need other countries to buy products from them to help make money for their people. I want you to find a library book about one other country and research goods that are made and exported or sold to other countries. Also, find what they import or buy from other countries. After you have finished draw a picture of what you have found. Try your best to draw a picture of that country.
Guest Speaker: Produce Buyer from the Mexican market

Day 3- Civics: PO4

Today we will talking about how the government makes laws that regulate the production and transportation of goods that we buy in the store. The farmers, delivery companies and buyers must follow strict rules to make sure that we are buying safe products for our families. Each area of food producaitonhas an agency that regulates their process.
Journal entry: Why do you think it is important for food to be brought in safely?
Guest Speaker: Food Inspector

Day 4- Geography: PO3

Today we will discussing how important it is to be located fairly close to where we would want to sell our produce or product if we were a farmer. It is also important to know what grows well in certain areas. That is why certain countries are know for certain fruits and vegetables or goods because the climate is helpful in growing that items. Specifically, we are going to discuss how do the items get to the store.Does the farmer delver them in his car? Do you know all the ways items can get to a store or location?
Journal entry: If you could create a way to deliver goods to places, what would it be?
Guest Speaker: Transportation Delivery (Truck Driver)

Day 5- Economics: Po1

You will learn the terms supply and demand and what effects they have on American economy. What does it do to prices? Students will learn about how advertising effects the way we buy items.
Journal entry: If there was one thing that you could do to help our country have more money, what would it be?
Guest speaker: Grocery store manager


Web Link
  • Google
    Description: Day 5: Video about supply and demand

Web Link
  • Google
    Description: Day 1:A video of farming on Florida.

Web Link
  • Google
    Description: Means of transportation

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