
A Long Way From Chicago

Teacher Page


This webquest was designed with the purpose of using the setting of the Great Depression as a way of helping students better understand the difficulties faced by those who lived during that era.  I have implemented core standards in language arts (6.2), communications (6.4 & 6.7), and historical comprehension (6.1).  This webquest was designed for  a three week unit study.  Students could complete computer activities at home or in the computer lab at school. Students could be partnered to insure that journals were kept up-to-date. Below you will find the quiz over the characters. Additional ideas for activities, but not included in this webquest are as follows:

1.  Students develop a short video based upon one of the chapters in the book.  They would rewrite chapter or scene into a play format, rehearse, videotape, and upload to YouTube for the class to enjoy. 

2.  Students could research the Mexican War and Civil War and write a letter home from either Uncle Grady Griswald or Shotgun Cheatem (if he had actually been in the Civil War). 

3.  The great rhubarb pie (or pie of choice) bake off.  Although Grandma was not sure if her pie would win, students or teachers can bring in their best efforts for judging by the rest of the class.  Make sure submissions are kept secret so all judging is fair. 


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