
A Long Way From Chicago



Task 1. As you read the book, you will be creating a character journal. As each new character (and there are about thirty-one in all) is introduced, you will add the following information:  character's name, page number where they are first introduced in the book, and relationship to Grandma Dowdel. We will cover this each day to make sure you are not leaving anyone out of your journal. At the end of the book, we are going to take the journals down to the computer lab and you are going to create a web using Webspiration or something similar, to show just how connected Grandma is to everyone else in town. This information will also be very handy when studying for the character quiz.

Task 2.  Watch the two YouTube videos about the Great Depression.  (You will find the links below under resources.)  In your journal answer the following questions.

1. Why do you think it meant so much for those "Hoovering" along to get the fish, potatoes, and beer from Grandma?

2. What does this say about her true character?

3. What is she teaching Mary Alice and Joey in doing this?

Now I want you to illustrate this scene by the railroad tracks of Grandma, Mary Alice, Joey, and the hungry men. You may include the sheriff and his men as well. Explain in 2-3 paragraphs what your illustration is highlighting from that chapter. We will be sharing these with the class.

Task 3. In activity three we will learn more about the troop trains of WWII.  Watch the video of the troop trains from that era. (You will find the link below under resources.)  In the last scene of the book, we witness Joey on one of these troop trains going by Grandma's house late at night. Her house is all lit up and she waves from the back door at the train until it is out of sight. Taking on either the character of Joey or Grandma Dowdel, compose a letter to the other and answer the following questions.

Joey. What does it mean to you knowing that Grandma has stayed up all night with all the lights on in the house waiting for your train to pass? Write a letter of at least three paragraphs to Grandma to let her know what this meant to you. Also include what you have learned from her and what was your favorite summer at her house. How has her influence changed you?

Grandma. What does it mean to you knowing that Joey is on that train headed to fight the war? Write a letter to Joey of at least three paragraphs and tell him how proud you are of him, how much you have enjoyed having him at your house in the summers, and what your favorite summer with him was.

Task 4. It is now time to take the quiz over the characters.  I will have copies of this quiz available for you in class.  You will not be able to use your journal.


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