
The three R's: Why do we need them?

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Students will assume the role as Earth scientists that are searching for new and innovative ways to recycle and keep our Earth clean. This is an important issue for students to research and learn about as topics like global warming will play a huge role in their future.

S.IP.03.12 Generate questions based on observations.

-S.IP.03.13 Plan and conduct simple and fair investigations.

-S.IA.03.11 Summarize information from charts and graphs to answer scientific questions.

The first few days students will research ideas about recycling. During the middle part of the unit students will research and campaign for recycling. And the final part of the project will consists of the students putting together a presentation. Encourage students to be creative!

Technology will truly enhance the learners experience by providing him/her with visuals and audios that he/she would otherwise not have. You should provide short and engaging clips for students to watch and to listen to. Also at the end of the unit students will have the chance to create a final project using PowerPoint, computer, video recorder or any other type of technology.

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