
Analytical Exposition Materials



The definition
Analytical exposition is a type of text in which the writer explains his/her opinion about a phenomenon or event around us.

The main purpose of the analytical exposition text is to try to persuade the reader to believe something by presenting one side of the argument. The author expresses their opinion followed by supporting arguments.

Social function
The social function of analytical exposition text is to convince the reader that the topic discussed is important and phenomenal.

Have you got any idea about what an analytical exposition text is? Now we will discuss the structure of the analytical exposition text:

  1. Thesis
    In this part, the writer must tell the reader about the main topic that will be written. The thesis can usually be found in the first paragraph of the text. In this section, readers can also see why the author gives an opinion on the subject matter.
  2. Arguments
    The next section is the arguments. In this section, the author presents evidence to support the main topics that have been presented previously. Usually in an analytical exposition there are more than two arguments. The more arguments that are displayed, the more the reader will believe that the topic discussed is an important topic.
  3. Reiteration/Conclusion
    This section is always located at the end of the text and becomes the closing paragraph writing. Reiteration contains reaffirmation of the author's position and opinion on main topic.

Now, you know the meaning, social function, and structure of analytical exposition text. However, did you know that analytical exposition text has language features that are different from other texts, namely:

  1. Simple present tense.
    Expository text uses the simple present tense since it is a text that conveys opinions that are general in nature and are facts so that the delivery is done.
  2. Thinking verb
    Thinking verbs are words that express the author's thoughts or feelings about a place, phenomenon or event, for example: experience, feel, know, realize, sense, think, etc. 
  3. internal conjunction
    Internal conjunction is a connecting word that connects arguments between two clauses. Internal conjunctions consist of four categories:
    a. Addition : such as, besides, in addition, further.
    b. Comparisons : such as, but, vice versa, meanwhile, on the other hand.
    c. Time : such as, kata second, then, then, next.
    d. Cause-effect : such as, consequence, as a result, so, the result

When you are going to write an analytical exposition text, there are several expressions that you can use, such as:

  • I would like to remind you ....
  • It is important for us to ....
  • I believe that ....
  • I am convinced that ....
  • Let me tell you ....
  • Try to remember ....

Before start the lesson, I have a question. Are you still confused about how to answer text questions quickly and accurately? If so, you can follow some of the following tips:

  1. Look at the question first
    Before working on a problem, it would be nice if you looked at the problem first. Look for focus or concentration on the problem. This can save you time on what questions to ask.
  2. Skimming reading technique
    Look for things related to the question only, and then understand the text globally. Find the lines of sentences that are used as answer choices. You can underline these sentences.
  3. Find keywords.
    Try to understand the information contained in the sentence line containing the question keyword. Sentences with the same keywords, but usually expressed in a different structure, are the answers.
  4. Focus on word meaning.
    Several model questions test vocabulary mastery. For example, some words require an understanding of the meaning of the word, antonym, synonym, close meaning, etc.
  5. Find a theme makes sense the most.
    This ability is very good for answering several types of questions related to the theme of the text, the conclusion of the text, or the right title for a text. The easiest way is to find a main sentence that represents several sentences. The main sentence is usually located at the beginning of the paragraph.




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