
Sixth Grade Social Studies Expedition: Geography, History & Economics



Attention Sixth Grade Student Explorers!

Itinerary Information for the Social Studies Expedition
Hello again explorers! Here is the itinerary for the eight day WebQuest you are about to embark on in sixth grade social studies. Below, you will find the expedition activities you will be engaging in each day of the journey through the World Wide Web. Please review these activities thoroughly before you embark on your expedition process!

Expedition Phase One
Day 1: Learn about the five themes of geography through watching a short TeacherTube Video on MR. HELP. Take thorough AVID notes on the five themes using the Online Learning Haven.
Day 2: Apply the five themes of geography to a country of your choice and describe the five themes, as they apply to the country.  

Expedition Phase Two
Day 3: Discover the importance of historical events and people through reading a historically important article and participating in a Think-Pair-Share activity with a small group. Create a graphic organizer that highlights the importance of the events in the articles for today and the future.
Day 4: Using the graphic organizer and historical articles, synthesize the information you learned while reading the articles and in your small group discussion to create a short essay (2 paragraphs) describing why historical events and people are important and their impact on your life and others' lives.

Expedition Phase Three
Day 5: Define supply and demand using the Social Studies for Kids Website. Use your new knowledge of supply and demand to create three supply and demand stories with graphics.
Day 6: Apply new understanding of supply and demand economics to the economic case study of Hula Hoops products. Watch a YouTube video on the supply and demand of the Hoola Hoop product. Use your knowledge of supply and demand to a series of questions, highlighting why economics are important to people and how they affect others, including yourself.

Expedition Culminating Project
Sixth Grade Social Studies 101 Brochure
Day 7: Begin the Sixth Grade Social Studies 101 Brochure, including the five themes of geography (using the MR. HELP acronym), summarizing the importance of one major historical event, economics and why the incoming students should all be concerned with these important social studies topics.
Day 8: Finalize the Sixth Grade Social Studies 101 Brochure and present your brochure within your small groups.

If you finish early...
  • Play the MR. HELP Space Race Game on Quizlet
  • Explore the TIME for Kids Website to learn about current events and important news stories
  • Play the Lemonade Stand Economics Game

Bon Voyage Explorers! Enjoy your journey through the World Wide Web!
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...” - Dr. Seuss

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