
How Plants Absorb Water



Materials: worksheets for coloring, pencils, crayons, clear plastic cups, water, food coloring (red, yellow, orange, blue, green and purple), safety scissors to cut the stems, white Chrysanthemum flowers, spoons to stir water, and sharpie permanent markers for labeling cups. 

Directions: Today you will conduct your own science experiment to observe capillary action. You will sit in groups of four at a table but everyone will be working on their own. First, you will click the link to watch the video on color changing flowers. Second you will click the flower template link and print two copies. Third, choose a cup and write your name and today’s date using the sharpie marker. Fourth, pour 1 cup of water in the measuring cup and then pour that water into your clear cup. Fifth, choose a food coloring of your choice and squeeze about 5 to 10 drops of coloring into your cup of water. Sixth, use a spoon to stir the color into your water. (You should now have a very colorful cup of water). Seventh, select a flower and use the scissors to cut about 1 inch off the bottom of the stem. (One inch is about the length of the metal band holding your eraser on to your pencil). Eighth, write your name and date on your worksheet and label the parts of your flower. Ninth, color your flower and water on the worksheet the way it looks now. Tomorrow, you will label and color another worksheet based upon how your flower looks tomorrow. When we are all finished, we will discuss our observations of capillary action as a group. 

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