
Aborigines of Australia



  1. Get into groups of 3 people.
  2. The three of you must choose an Aboriginal tribe to research, but remember to try to research a tribe that lives in/nearby Australian deserts.
  3. Split the assignment up into 3 separate parts: 1 person can do the history, another person can do the culture, and the other person can research the every day life of a member of the Aboriginal tribe.
  4. If you're the person researching the history of the tribe, make sure you find many historical facts (where they came from, how they're viewed upon in today's society, etc.).
  5. If you're the person researching the cultural aspects of the tribe, make sure you find many facts about their beliefs and tribal activities (music, art, etc.).
  6. If you're the person researching the tribe's "way of life," make sure you find many facts about their activities in every day life (what they eat, what their roles are in society, etc.).
  7. You can obtain most of your research from the resources below, or use other resources in order to obtain all the necessary information for your Aboriginal tribe.
  8. Once your group has all the necessary information, make sure you neatly organize it into a powerpoint.
  9. Your group will have to present the powerpoint to the class, and make sure the presentation is around 10 minutes long.

Online Resources

Cultural Survival - Australia (http://www.culturalsurvival.org/australia?gclid=CI7Ws_uxvKECFY1a2god1lO8Fg)

Australian Aborigines - Indigenous Australians (http://www.crystalinks.com/aboriginals.html)

Wikipedia (http://www.wikipedia.org/)

Book Resources

World Book Encyclopedia


Description: Aboriginal Life in Australia

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