
Historical Background for To Kill a Mockingbird



Research and Pre-Writing
The Multiple Perspective Literacy Guide will guide you through the WebQuest. Click on the website link to view, read, and learn about life in the South during the Great Depression. Type your well thought out answers on the Multiple Perspective Literacy Guide.The following topics will be explored on your journey to the 1930's South:
The History of Jim Crow,
Growing Up White during the 1930's,
Growing Up Black during the 1930's, 
The Scottsboro Boys,
Lynch Mobs, and
Who is Harper Lee?
The knowledge gained via the WebQuest will be used to write a informative analysis of life during this time from the perspective of both Whites and Blacks in the South and the way such real life events and situations were incorporated by Lee into To Kill a Mockingbird.  The essay should address the following questions:
How do Jim Crow Laws affect Black and White people in the 1930's South?
Is there fairness and justice? Is there projection under the law?
Based on the Web Quest, how did Harper Lee incorporate actual historical events and situations in order to depict 1930's South in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird?
Use the following links to research information that will allow you to answer the questions in the Multiple Perspectives Literacy Guide as well as gather information to include in your analysis essay.

The history of Jim Crow: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/jimcrow/

lynch mobs: http://www.umass.edu/complit/aclanet/ACLAText/USLynch.html

growing up white during the Depression: http://resource2.rockyview.ab.ca/ela101/related_reads/TKAM/tkam_interview_growing_up_white.pdf

growing up black during the Depression: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:A4tXPALDn-4J:montgomeryschoolsmd.org/uploadedFiles/schools/magruderhs/mediacenter/GrowingUp1930s.doc+&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

the Scottsboro Trials: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/scottsboro/ and http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/Ftrials/scottsboro/scottsb.htm

biography of author Nelle Harper Lee: http://www.encyclopediaofalabama.org/face/Article.jsp?id=h-1126

and http://www.neabigread.org/books/mockingbird/mockingbird04.php

The Bibliography

When you use information that isn't directly out of your brain for a presentation, you MUST cite where you got it.  This is called a BIBLIOGRAPHY.  This is the same process you use when you cite information you get from books for a report.  Here is the format you will use to cite the websites you use to gather information for your PowerPoint presentation.  You must cite EVERY website you use!!  This is a MAJOR part of your grade, so make sure it is complete!

Here is how you should write each citation:  

Works Cited 

Last Name, First Name Middle initial of Author of Web Page (if available). "Article or Web Page Title." URL of Web Page. Publisher or Sponsor of Website, Day Mon. year electronically published/updated. Web. Day Mon.. year accessed. 

Your sources should be listed alphabetically by the first letter of the entry. You may need to use cut and paste to arrange them alphabetically. 

Bibliography entries have a special type of indentation called hanging indentation. To create this type of indentation, type in the information for each entry the way you would a normal paragraph. Then use your mouse to highlight the entry, go up to the top menu, click on format and release on paragraph. In the paragraph pop-up menu, go down to indentation, to the special scroll window and scroll down to hanging.

OR an easier to create your bibliography is to use an on-line citation machine, like the one linked here: Easy bibliography creation




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