
Layers of the Earth



Read below to discover what you need to do to successfully complete this assignment.

Standards:  As you already know everything we do in this class has multiple purposes.  This assignment is no different - it has two main purposes.

    1. To ensure that you meet the requirements set by the state of Arizona for what you need to know about the layers of the Earth.  This assignment covers 4 state standards
      • 1.2.5
      • 1.4.5
      • 2.1.3
      • 6.1.2
    1. To make sure that you understand how the Earth is put together and how the structure of the Earth affects you.

Task Overview:  You and your partner will research the 4 layers of the Earth and will demonstrate your new knowledge by creating a flyer using Smore.

Task Details:  Name and describe the 4 main layers of the earth. The information requirements for each layer are listed below:

    1. The Crust
      1. Find out what the different types of crust there are
      2. Find how thick each type of crust is (in km)
      3. Discover what the composition of each type of crust is (The composition of something is what that thing is made of)
      4. Find out what the range of temperatures are in the crust
    2. The Mantle
      1. Learn how thick the mantle is (in km)
      2. Find out the texture of the mantle.  Is it a solid, a liquid, something in between? (Hint: Its different in different places in the mantle)
      3. Find out what the range of temperatures are in the mantle
    3. Outer Core
      1. Discover the thickness of the outer core (in km)
      2. Find out what the range of temperatures are in the outer core
      3. What is the outer core composed of?
      4. What kind of texture does the outer core have
    4. Inner Core
      1. Discover the thickness of the inner core (in km)
      2. Find out what the range of temperatures are in the inner core
      3. What is the inner core composed of?
      4. What kind of texture does the inner core have
    5. Specials:  These 3 things are not layers, instead each one of these is either a boundary between two layers of is found inside one or more of the other layers
      1. What is the Mohorovicic Discontinuity and where can it be found?
      2. What is the lithosphere?
      3. What is the asthenosphere?

Resources:  Use the websites listed below to find all the information you need to successfully complete this assignment.  You must use at least 4 of the websites listed below.

Final Product:  Your final product will be a Smore.com flyer.  You or your partner will create your flyer using your own login.  Here is what your flyer must include:

  1. Your names and period number
  2. A Title
  3. 7 sections
    • Introduction:  Write a short introduction that will explain the main points of the flyer.  This should only take a couple of sentences, include at least 1 image that shows all the layers.
    • Crust:  All of the information you found out about the crust must be included here. You also need to include at least 3 images/diagrams of the different kinds of crust.
    • Mantle:  All of the information you found out about the mantle must be included here. You also need to include at least 1 image/diagram of the mantle.
    • Outer Core:  All of the information you found out about the outer core must be included here. You also need to include at least 1 image/diagram of the outer core.
    • Inner Core: All of the information you found out about the inner core must be included here. You also need to include at least 1 image/diagram of the inner core.
    • Specials:  All of the information you found out about the special layers must be included here. You also need to include at least 1 image/diagram of each of the special layers.
    • References:  A list of the addresses of the 4 (or more) websites you used to find your information.

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