

Details of lesson

Teachers: Ms. Samantha Ferguson
Date: April 2020
Class: 2nd Form
Duration: 1 Hour
Subject: English Language
Topic: Characterization

Analyze Learners
1. 28 students
2. 11 males/ 17 females
3. Ages 13-14
4. Mental, Social, Physical:
o Students have displayed no signs of mental disability.
o The class is a mixture of visual, kinesthetic, and auditory learners.
o Students come from different socio-economic background.
o Three (3) students from the class have disciplinary issues.
5. 80% of students are proficient readers with average comprehension skills, while 20% of the students are reading below their grade level.
6. Learning Styles
(Estimate % of Students)
o Visual 35 %
o Auditory (Aural) 55 %
o Kinesthetic (Hands On) 10 %

General Objective: At the end of this lesson students should be able to demonstrate how characters are developed and be able to analyze characters based on elements of the story.

Specific Objectives: At the end of this lesson students should be able to:
1. Identify character traits
2. distinguish between direct and indirect characterization
3. Understand how setting and plot help in the development of characters
4. Develop two (2) characters using direct and indirect characterization skills

Select Media, Materials, and Methods
All media and materials needed for the lesson are listed below
• Interactive Power Point Presentation
• YouTube videos, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWXOurnVTYg&list=PLLCqF5tqxL-lOy_sAjpXiFj1u0vGGFL7X&index=8
• YouTube video explaining “STEAL” -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTQOz7Bbepk
• Picture Story

Utilize Media, Materials, and Methods

Multimedia projector: This will be used to review the main events that took place in the story. It will also be used to display a photo story at the end of the beginning of the lesson.

Computers: Students will be paired, and will complete research on characterization using search engines, they will also be given timed quiz on “Kahoot.”

Require Learner Participation

Engage - How can I get students interested in this?
• Students will be allowed to watch a short video clip from YouTube. They will be instructed to pay attention so that they can recall what the saw and heard in the video and be able to describe the characters’ personality/personalities. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWXOurnVTYg&list=PLLCqF5tqxL-lOy_sAjpXiFj1u0vGGFL7X&index=8
• Teacher and students will discuss the types of character traits posed by each character in the clip from “Finding Nemo”
Explore - What tasks/questions can I offer to help students puzzle through this?
• Students will be instructed to go to their emails and open link to a story. They will be instructed to open the story via the link, they will read to story quietly. After completing the reading, they will complete question sheet about the characters. The teacher will randomly select students to share their responses about the know about each character.

Explain - How can I help students make sense of their observations?
• The students will be asked to look at a chart on Direct and Indirect Characterization that will be projected onto the white board. Students will read the chart silently and look at the examples provided.

• The chart will be shared with them via a preferred platform (email, google classroom or one of their choice)

Elaborate - How can my students apply their new knowledge to other situations?
• A YouTube video highlighting how students can identify the character traits of characters in stories using the acronym STEAL will be shared on the webquest for students to watch quietly.
• Students will discuss with their peers as they watch, and random groups will be selected to do role plays demonstrating how STEAL is used in characterization.


  • Students will be evaluated on how well they worked with their peers to complete a timed quiz on Kahoot.




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