



In order to be success with the project, you need to follow the following step.

1) Divide into 6 group which in one group has 5 student.

2) Each group have to explore about coastal landforms. First you can use the information in the few links below:

3) Each group must understanding wisely about coastal landforms.

4) Then, each group have a make a model coastal landforms. You have to make the model as big as your table in class.

5) Make sure in a model has eight types of coastal landform consisting of high cliffs, caves, headlands and bays, beaches, sea arches, stone and residual stump.

6) Then, the model coastal landform should be built in three weeks.

7) To be more understanding of coastal landform, you should look carefully each coastal landform.

8) After the completion of the model is generated, each group must show the class and present coastal landform that have been made to the class.

9) Evaluation will be assessed through explaination and models that you all have made.

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