
Rites of Passage in Judaism: Brit Milah



Step1:Now that the class has formed some key words associated with the topic,students will be asked to say what they think the term rite of passage means.Students responses will be written on the board. The teacher will ask a student to read the definition of rite of passage from the chart and discuss the term. Students will record the definition in their books.

Step2:Now that students have explored the definition of the term rite of passage students will be asked to say what they think the term circumcision means. Students responses will be written on the board. Students will be asked to remove strips of papers which are placed on the wall and under the desks and fit the pieces of paper appropriately to form a definition of the term circumcision. After forming the definition, students will read the definition and discuss it. Students will record the definition in their books.

Step3:Now that students have both explored the definition of the terms rite of passage and circumcision students will be placed in three groups. A picture will be projected to the class showing a Jewish boy being circumcised. Students will examine the picture carefully, and then in their groups they will be given a doll, banana, knife and tape. Each group is expected to demonstrate how Jewish boys are circumcised using the materials that has given in three minutes.

Step4:Now that students have explored the procedure of circumcising of Jewish boys, students will watch a video of the description of the ceremony. Students will be asked to state what they have seen in the video. The teacher will be reinforced the video for them to get a better understanding. A chart will be mounted on the board with words associated with the topic mohel, sandek students will correctly pronounce each Hebrew term orally. Students will be given a detailed description of the ceremony to write in their books.

Step5:Now that students have explored the description of the ceremony students will be provided with handouts on the significance of circumcision. After which there will be a student centered discussion to evaluate the significance of circumcision to Jews. The discussion will be guided by focus questions.Examples of these questions are:

1. Do Christians circumcise males and why?

2. Why is circumcision important to the Jewish Faith?




Video on the Brit Milah Ceremony

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