
The Three Branches of Government



.Task 1:

Three brances of government pre-test. The teacher could make the pre-test a fun and interactive learning experience by creating a Jeopardy-type game. Next, the students will take a virtual tour of the White House to see where Executive decisions are made.

Task 2:

The class groups will divide into Literature Circles and use Leveled Readers from the Social Studies series about the three branches of government.  They will read, discuss, and respond to the stories.  They will guide discussion for more enhanced understanding of government branches.

example: Reading Street text books  and the following website to incorporate technology http://library.thinkquest.org/J0110221/

Student will create a tree out of construction paper. Each branch of government will be placed on a different tree branch. Student must include who is in each branch and their roles, duties, and responsibilites of these people. It will also include a picture of what building they work in. Each group will share their tree with the class.


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Task 3:

Students will remain in your literacy circles as we role play the 3 branches. Each group will be assigned a different branch of government. Group 1 will be the Legislative branch, they will be responsible for creating a law. The law will then be passed to Group 2 which is the Executive branch which will either veto or sign the law based on pros and cons they discuss in their group. The law will then be decided constitutional by the Judicial branch. ( Remember, if the Judicial branch sees that the law might be unconstitutional then they can overturn the law) Students can refer to the chart below to review what duties they will have to demonstrate.

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*To sum up the lesson each student will complete a 3-2-1 exit ticket. On the ticket, student will list 3 concepts learned, 2 questions they still have about the 3 branches of government, and 1 main idea about government.


Web Link
  • White House Virtual Tour
    Description: President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama are committed to opening the doors of the White House and truly making it the People’s House. •Watch exclusive "Inside the White House" videos •Tour the West Wing, Residence, East Wing and South Lawn •Visit again to watch new videos and learn more

Web Link


Web Link
  • Literacy Circle Information Website
    Description: Students will use this website to get information about each branch of government and help them create their Government Tree as a group.

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