
Computer Networks



Students, please form groups of three.

Bellow are a series of tasks that each group needs to complete. Start with the first one and then continue with the rest. You will need your Computer Networks Journal to complete your tasks. Don't forget it, and have fun!

Task 1:  Data Communications and the types of Networks

In your first task  you will watch a watch a video to learn

  1. The purpose of a computer network
  2. The three types of computer networks
  3. At least one feature of each type of network

  • Click on the Link Computer Networks Video.  The video will help you to answer the questions in section ONE of your Computer Networks Journal.

Task 2:  Types of Network Layout (Topology)

In the next task you will watch a series of short videos to help you learn
  1.  The types of layouts of computer networks
  2. The physical appearance of the various network layouts

  • Click on the Link Network Topology Video.  The video will help you to answer the questions in section Two of your Computer Networks Journal.

Task 3:  Direction of Data Flow in a Network (Transmission Lines)

In the next task you will learn the three ways in which data can flow in a network.

  •  Click on the Link Data CommunicationThis will help you to answer the questions in section Three of your Computer Networks   Journal.

  • Click on the Link What is simplex, duplex and half duplex transmission?  This will further assist you in understanding the three ways in which data can flow in a computer network.

Task 4:  A Short Quiz

In the next task you will take a short quiz to see if understand what you have been doing so far.  Have fun!

  • Click on the link Computer Networks Quiz.

Task 5:  A PowerPoint Presentation

In your final task you will create a PowerPoint presentation that will provide an overview of the information learned in today's class (You may find the information written in your Computer Networks Journal useful in preparing your presentation)

Your PowerPoint presentation must answer the following questions:

  1. What is a computer network?
  2. What is at least ONE advantage of networking computers?
  3. What is at least ONE resource that can be shared between computers in a network?
  4. (a) What are the THREE types of computer networks? (b)How do they differ from each other?
  5. (a) What are the THREE types of  network topologies? (b) How do they differ from each other?
  6. (a) Explain simplex, duplex, and half duplex transmission? (b) Give at least one example of each ( the examples should NOT be ones discovered during the WebQuest).

Please note that your PowerPoint presentation should not contain more than ten slides.  All presentations made should be at most 10 minutes.


Web Link

Web Link

Web Link

  • Computer Networks Quiz
    Description: This is required for Task 4. NOTE WELL- You must have PowerPoint 2007 to take this quiz.

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