
Solid Waste Webquest




    Much is known already about what makes up household waste.  The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) publishes a report every year that provides excellent data on waste generation and recycling.  Start with information in the latest EPA report, included in the attached references.  You may include information from other sources, but make sure any information is credible.  Primary sources are preferabe.  Ask your teacher if you are not sureabout the reliability of a source, or if you are not sure what a primary source is.  I have included a PDF of the EPA release from 2011 and also a link to the release onthe website.  The epa site would be a good general resource as well. WWW.EPA.GOV

    First, your group will be assigned a material.  There are 5 questions that need to be addressed.  Since your group will have 3-4 people, assign each person 1 or 2 questions to address.  The first document below is a word document with all the questions you need to answer in your group.  You may PRINT the document and fill it our or you may OPEN the document, type your answers and print it.  Questions that need to be addressed are:

1.  What products that we throw away contribute to your assigned material in the waste stream?  How much does each contribute?  For example, if you are studying paper, what products (such as newspapers, magazines, paper plates, paper bags, or junk mail) make up paper in garbage? 

2.  What components (if any) are problematic for disposal, recycling, or re-use of your material?  For example, we do not like to dispose of older computer monitors in landfills because they contain lead. 

3. How much of your material is recycled the U.S. currently?  How much is re-used (if any)? 

4.  What are the common products your material is recycled into?  Re-used for? 

5.  Compare are the environmental imapcts of recycling, re-use, or landfill of your material.


     Next, Each group will be making a presentation, so your group members need to be prepared to share their information with the class.  Each member, however, is expected to present a portion.  So if you are in the paper group, and are researching how paper is recycled,   you will talk about the information you find during the group's presentation on paper.

     Remember, this is an informational briefing so that the city council knows what materials are contributing to the waste going to the landfill, and what options are available to divert materials from the landfill.  You don't need to take sides or advocate for a particular position, just present the information requested.       

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