
Assistive Technology and the Special Needs Child



As a group you will be able to have five days to complete this assignment. Each member of the group will be given a responsibility within the group. It will be up to each member of the group to fulfill their opportunities within the group as the group will receive a grade as a whole in addition to an individualpresentation.  You will have access to the online dictionaries, command voice software books, alternative key boards, calculators, tape recorders, braile text books, large screen magnifiers as well as the internet and DVD‘s to be able to complete this assignment.

Day 1

1.      View and discuss the different types of technology that can be used and why.

2.      Show or discuss a video that we have outlined to discuss.

Day 2

1.      Divide into groups of 5

a.      Each group will be given a different task on a different technology device.

b.      Each group will be required to give a presentation to the class on the importance of their learning device and what they were able to accomplish with it.

c.      Spend time in the library to allow the students to gather information.

d.      Explain that a quiz will be given at the end of the assignment with questions about each learning device.

Day 3

1.          Spend first of class study answering questions and going over assignment requirements.

2.          Spend more time in library and class to get it together.

3.          Each group will visit with the teacher, so that the teacher knows of the progress and where the group is at this and ask for help. 

Day 4

1.      Final day before assignment.

2.      Group time to get everything ready and get final draft done.

3.      Give time in to finalize plans. 

Day 5

1.       Draw numbers 1 through 5 to determine which group will go first.

2.       All five groups will present their assignments.

3.       If any students have questions or comments they will be asked or given at the end of their assignment/presentations.

4.       A short quiz will be given with questions coming from each assignment.


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