
Famous Artist Research Project


I hope while you did your reserch you critiqued and analyzed your artists work.

Whe you look at the artist work you should have noticed that you get a feeling that builds up inside you. This can be happieness, sadness, tranquility, soothing, anger, excitement, realaxxation, anxious, and many more feelings. Try to channel those feelings you experienced while looking at the art into music.

For example, if the art work makes you feel tranquility you might make your music soothing and relaxing, with chimes, and whispy musical sounds.

Click the link below. It will take you to a page that will give you a detailed step-by-step account of how to use GarageBand.

*Always make sure you save all files and work you do.

 Enjoy being creative and a music composer!!!



Web Link
  • Creating Music in GarageBand
    Description: This is the slideshow tutorial you will need to watch in order to gain step by step knowledge on creating music in GarageBand

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