
Famous Artist Research Project



Hello Aspiring Artists!

It is important that as an student artist we learn about famous artists, as well as critiquing their work.

Your mission, should you chose to accept it....which you need to because we have a no OPT OUT rule; is simple.

You will be conducting a research project on a famous artist. In order to be successful at this project you will need to complete a series of tasks. The final project will be a digital story; complete with images, text, audio, and music. This project requires a lot of planning and a lot of hard work and focus, as well as experimentation. This project will include a series of grades based on the completion of different tasks, however the final culminating project grade will be scored on a rubric, and your peers (classmates) will also be evaluating your final presentation of your project.

Remember have fun, and do your very best. Good Luck.

Ms. Hicks

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