
Famous Artist Research Project



You will be graded and evaluated on the following tasks in the following ways:

  • Question Document: Turning in the document you created with the artis you are choosing to evaluate and the questions you decided you wanted to answer, and help guide your research. (5 pts.)
  • Internet Safety/ Research Quizz: Turn in the printed off page saying what you scored on your quizz. That score will be your grade.
  • Completed Questions Worksheet: You will have researched and written down the answers to the questions and turn it in (10 pts.)
  • Storyboard: You will have filled in and completed the storyboard template, turn it in with peer feedback and evaluations (15 pts.) 
  • Final Project/ Presentation: You will be evaluated on your final project by your teacher based on the rubric in this Webquest (50 pts.). And will also be scored by their peers based on the attached score sheet (20 pts.). Points will be awarded accordingly.



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