
Famous Artist Research Project


It is time to create your storyboard.

A storyboard is an outlining tool for your digital story. You will use the attached template, and fill in the required fields. In order to complete the storyboard you will need to follow the steps below:

  • Make sure you list the title of your digital story.
  • List the type of music/ mood of the music you will use in your story.
  • Write out the script for exactly what you will say for the audio narration.
  • If you are including text on your slide you will need to include that.
  • Copy and Paste the image you will be using in the storyboard template.
Once you have completed your storyboard, you will be working in your writing/editing groups and will edit each others storyboards for smoothness and clarity. You will need to make sure that whoever is editing your storyboard will sign at the bottom saying they did so. You will then turn in your storyboard it is worth 15 points.

Things to remember: 
1.) Have fun, and try to entertain and inform your audience.
2.) Keep in mind the traits of writing.

Use the template attached below for your storyboard.
If you are stuck on what to do, there is a sample storyboard below.




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