
Beyond the Holocaust



Hello students! 

Welcome to Holocaust Remembrance and Genocide Awareness week! As we have discussed in class, the topic of genocide is one that is extremely difficult to hear about sometimes but something that we really need to learn in order to remember our past and truly learn from it. I hope that after completing this webquest you will be ready to delve into the unit on the Holocaust and understand that this wasn't just a once in a lifetime event. I know that you will all take this material seriously and am looking forward to seeing your end product from this assignment and talking to you as a class on the material. I know the material is heavy so please take your time but make sure to truly appreciate the information that is being given. For this webquest you will be finishing some connection stems that you will write in your dialogue journal to be shared with your dialogue partner and later we will share as a class. I have provided a template to get you started and can't wait to see what you have to say! 

Ms. Ingle

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