
The New USDA Food Plate



Out with the old and in with the New!  The newly designed My Plate is better and easier to understand.  In an effort to control American�s ever growing challenge with obesity, the government thought it may need to make the daily recommended  suggestions of what to eat and how much to eat of it a little easier to understand. It was often thought in the past the USDA�s daily recommended diet was difficult to understand in its former pyramid design and that by proportionately designing a plate to symbolize the amounts may paint a much clearer picture in someone�s mind.   The evolution of the food plate from the pyamid is important because there is so much truth to the saying "you are what you eat", a balanced diet is the most important thing we can do to take care of ourselves.  People need a clear vision of what foods they need to intake in order to get the output they desire. Let�s take a look.

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